At the places between we want you to thrive in transition

Through our weekend wellness experiences, podcast & resources,
You can learn how to navigate the transitions of life
from a place of peace & hope!
If you stopped to think about your life as it is right now, you could probably agree:
You’re not where you used to be, but perhaps not where you hope to be?
If you are in transition, you may have had moments of feeling paralyzed, stuck or hopeless about what to do next. When you find yourself between here & there, the “now” & the “then”, it can feel difficult to embrace life and all that it has to offer; especially when you feel like you’re doing it alone or haven’t “arrived” yet.
We want to come along side of you, wherever you’re at, and help in that beautiful struggle of “transitioning well”!
Through aspects of faith
Curated wellness retreats.
Your fitness journey & total health.
“Sometimes the bravest and most important thing you can do is just show up”
Curated Retreats
Choose from Weekend Wellness Retreats around the Country or Adventure Based Retreats around the World.
When traveling through life, be sure to stop a few places and enjoy the view around you!