25days to waiting well vs daydreaming
Are you continuously finding yourself thinking about that vision you once had for your life, your calling, or what you're called to fight for?!?WAITING CAN BE SO HARD! Especially when we don’t know how to wait or WHY it’s taking so long?!
If you're anything like me; I often have to be intentional about planning and working out those steps to get there, rather than just daydreaming.
Part of "waiting" is in the pressing in; a listening ear and responsive heart to the wooing of God as though we long for the revelation of truth and love from God. Pressing in could be the most difficult part of "waiting" though, because we don't feel much traction when things are so out of our control that the only option we HAVE is to press in and keep pursuing God! But HE is good to those who wait, my friend. And this type of waiting is not just sitting back while eating bon-bons. It’s by pressing in. Seeking to know HIM more; learning about God's character and praising Him in the middle of the storms and the dry seasons, whenever they come. And so, my encouragement to you is to let God work behind the scenes while you continue your journey forward, chasing that vision, waiting for it to unfold. And when it's time, He will GLORIOUSLY show up and SHOW OFF! And when He does; everyone around you, including you, will be able to say "GOD DID THAT!"
Get equipped for the long game of faith with Stay In The Story, a 25 Day Devotional on Calling, Waiting, Pressing in, & Staying the course of your journey! Learn from a number of biblical characters and stories throughout 25 devotionals made just for you and your journey. At the end of each devotional will be opportunities to respond, pray, and reflect on verses provided. This is a devotional made to go at your own pace, whether it’s 25 days in a row, once a week, or skip around.

About The Author; Wendy Henkelman
As a Creative Producer and Planner, Wendy specializes in storytelling through LIVE Events & Media. With a background of over 15 years in the industry, Wendy also finds creative ways to express her life’s experiences in written form and story. Passionate about Community, Purpose and Adventure, Wendy continues to write to bring FREEDOM and hope for all that a better journey is possible!
Drawing inspiration from her own pursuit of a calling, Wendy Shares encouragement with you that revolves around staying in your own story, biblical stories and characters to look to, as well as prayers that will take you deeper in your journey and walk with God. Continuing in the journey towards that vision no matter what, let this book be a source of encouragement to see: God is good. He sees you. He knows you. He loves you and when we work like it depends on us, but pray like it depends on Him, He will do what only HE CAN DO!